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Dr. Deb Kern

Surrendering is Not Giving Up

Updated: Dec 22, 2024



into the process however It Is

the incessant internal pull like unavoidable gravity

let the surrender take you

give yourself over

let it seduce you into changing with tongues of flame

let the melting into What Is

be an offering

changes are coming changes are here

yielding into the vast

desert of

waiting and knowing

has already readied you

for a blessed


- By Tosha Silver


If the last 3 years have taught me anything, they’ve taught me the truth of this poem.

So many changes and losses. So many opportunities to either resist “What Is” and become frustrated, fearful or frozen (I did all of those things at one time or another!)…..or surrender into the changes in order to be reborn again and again.

I used to think ‘surrender’ was the same as ‘giving up,’ but my beloved mentor and spiritual guide Sister Maurus Allen used to say “Surrendering is remembering that you are a fragment of God. Just like a drop of water is a fragment of the ocean. When you surrender, you allow the great energy of God to flow through you as you.”

I hope Sister Maurus and Tosha’s words give you hope and strength during these changing times.




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