It’s the only month that is a complete sentence with clear instructions.
March 2023 deserves multiple exclamation marks. Not only does it bring us the astrological new year on the Equinox, it also brings monumental shifts as Saturn and Pluto move into new signs. According to NASA & NOAA this time brings more coronal mass ejections and solar storms.
That’s a lot of shifting energy!!! So, if you’ve been feeling frazzled, now you know why.
The great news is that this energy offers you the opportunity to elevate to the next level….opening new doors and closing old ones.
That means March is the perfect month to do some sort of cleanse. Clean your closets, clear your mind, detoxify your diet….now is the time! Are you ready? Below are some suggestions and resources that may be helpful.
CLEAR THE WAY!Support for clearing your diet, closet, mind, & energy in March 2023
If you're choosing to do some sort of seasonal dietary cleanse, this is the week to get started.
PREPARATION is key! Please take the time to clear out your kitchen, and stock it before starting your cleanse.
You may follow a specific protocol from a practitioner or book of your choice (each of you has unique needs)....or you may follow my simple (and effective!) guidelines:
Clear out your kitchen and diet by removing: sugar, wheat, dairy, caffeine, alcohol and artificial sweeteners.
Add greens, fruits, healthy fats, proteins, sprouts, seeds, nuts, legumes.
Commit to eating 2 – 3 meals a day at the same time each day (optional: take a digestive enzyme before each meal).
Plan your meals in advance.
No snacking.
Leave at least 12 hours between the last meal one day and the first meal the next day.
Move your body every day.
Optional: take a liver support supplement before going to bed to help your body detoxify.
**Click HERE for the Digestive Enzyme and Liver Support I use.
Ayurvedic “At Home Panchakarma” Cleanse:
Dietary Cleanses: (Ketogenic protocols) (Sugar Buster Program)
Cleansing Mind:
Cleansing Spaces:
Cleansing Energy:
I also invite you to join me for PranaShakti dance which is an effective and fun way to cleanse the mind and spirit. See this week's schedule below!