When you feel overwhelmed or stressed, do you have a tool that instantly brings you back to center?
An essential practice is a knowledge of how to tap into a peaceful space -- no matter what storm is passing through.
I created a short meditation for you to assist you in connecting to the most safe, peaceful, relaxed space within you.
This meditation will help you...
Deeply relax your body and nervous system
Connect to a space of stillness, serenity, and peace
Unwind the stress of your day
Bring a new perspective to any situation
Feel centered, peaceful, and relaxed into trust
Add a new technique to your practice to use anytime
The intention of this meditation is to support you in resourcing this state of deep peace, anywhere at any time.
Safe and Protected
Dr. Deb Kern
Here is an affirmation to assist you in calling in this peacefulness now:
My entire body is relaxed.
I am surrendered to peace.
I am deep peace.
I am safe.
I am protected.
I am love.