YOU are the Queen of your Queendom. Whether you’re married or not. Whether you have kids or not. Once you move out of your parents’ home, you are the Queen of your Queendom.
As such, you’ve created your own culture, cuisine, and rituals.
So what’s a Queen to do when she gathers with Queens from different Queendoms for the holidays?
She acts like a Queen.She honors and respects the other Queens without trying to ‘convert’ them to her culture – yet at the same time, she honors and respects herself and her culture as well.
I know this may sound silly, but this is exactly how I’ve come to approach the holidays (and any gathering with other Queens, for that matter), and it’s made a world of difference for me.
Until I discovered this way of being, I felt anxious during holiday gatherings - worried I might step on toes, frustrated that I couldn’t get enough exercise; and sluggish from eating foods that weren’t good for my body.
But for the past decade, I’ve loved showing up as the Queen of my small Queendom, bearing foods that nourish me, having rested well the night before and exercised the morning of, and creating space to teach my dance class the next day.
What I’ve discovered is that it is NOT egotistical to think of myself as a Queen. On the contrary, when I think of myself as a Queen, I easily see other women as Queens, too. And it’s wonderful to learn about their cultures and cuisines from that viewpoint rather than feeling judgmental and judged!
I’ve also discovered that it’s NOT selfish to take care of my needs. On the contrary! When I take care of my needs for rest, movement, hydration, and nutrition, I have SO MUCH MORE TO GIVE!
Guidelines For Feeling Like The Queen You Are During The Holidays:
1.Keep your sleep schedule.
~This sounds simple, but it’s so easy to let your bedtime slip later and later during the holidays. When possible, excuse yourself and go to bed. Most people won’t remember anything after 10 or 11 pm anyway. ;)
~No matter what the weather is like outside, you can always dance. I dance to energize myself and to move the emotions of the holidays through my body.I want everyone to experience the power of dance—especially during this time, so I created three powerful, guided dance routines so that you can dance with me anywhere, anytime. The Gratitude Dance is one of my favorite routines for Thanksgiving week and when you combine it with the special "Retrain Your Brain" dance, it can get you out of any potential funk! I love the Joy Dance for expanding the goodness of the holidays and the Reverence Dance for dropping in deep.CLICK HERE TO GET ALL THESE DANCES FOR ONLY $49 (that's 50% off!)
3. Hydrate.
~Especially if there’s any alcohol involved. Be sure to drink two glasses of water for every alcoholic beverage. Not only will it help modulate your consumption of alcohol, but it’ll help you stay hydrated.
4. Go to your room.
~If you’re at a large gathering, simply go into an empty bedroom for 5 – 10 minutes for a quick meditation. Nobody will even notice you’re gone, and you’ll feel so amazing!
5. Prepare food that nourishes YOU.
~If you’re bringing dishes to share at a gathering, make sure you bring something YOU can eat! At least you’ll know that there’ll be one thing at the gathering that will nourish your body.
Here's to enjoying your holiday like the Queen you are,Deb