A 5-step prayer process to cultivate new moon energy

Each new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle.  The new moon on April 22nd comes at a time when the world has taken a pause.

During this pause, we’ve been given the opportunity (or some might say we’ve been forced) to reflect on all areas of our lives ~ from how we shop and eat to how we do our work and what kind of work we do, to how and where we travel, to our relationships… everything, all the way down to our fingers and toes has been brought under a bright light.
Now that many of us are in quarantine, this is an excellent time for us to take reflect deeply and make decisions about how we’re living, working, playing, relating, growing and BEING.  Once we decide which areas we wish to shift, it’s a great time to make a fresh start, turn over a new leaf, or start a new project.

Your holiday how-to and a special offering below

Here's a powerful 5-step prayer process that will help you gain clarity on what you wish to release (AKA the weeds in your life: habits, material items, relationships, ways of being...) and what you wish to bring in (AKA the seeds).

New Moon 5-Step Prayer

On five separate sheets of paper place the following headings:
Pulling Weeds
Planting Seeds
Asking For Help
Feeling As If


Write a full page of gratitudes. Let it flow! This brings your heart and mind into coherence.


With a relaxed mind and body, look back over the past month and write down anything that you realize has not been in your best interest. Resist the temptation to slip into self-criticism and shame.

Instead, think of this as a chance to gain clarity on the habits, actions, relationships, repetitive thoughts that you'd like to shift. You need to see the "weeds" before you can pull them.


Allow your imagination to run freely and write the new "seeds" you'd like to plant.


Take four deep breaths and call on a power greater than you.

Then, write or say something like this: “(Divine Beloved, God, Jeshua, Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, Quan Yin...)_____, please help me release all the weeds that need pulling (even the ones I have forgotten to write down) and please help me nurture and grow the seeds that are in the best interest of the highest good. Thank you."


It's a lot like taking care of a garden. First, you pull all the weeds and till the soil. Then you plant seeds and add nourishing soil, water and light.


With your spine erect and supported, sit comfortably and imagine yourself living as if the seeds you've planted have grown. Imagine yourself living with new habits, actions, and thoughts. Imagine yourself moving through life in that body and connecting with people in those relationships while doing that work. Let the feeling build and expand as you breathe. Spend as long as you wish here.

If any thoughts or images come to you during this "feeling as if" process, take time to write them or draw them.

Then complete the process by saying THANK YOU.

Deborah Kernbatch1